First Step: CDA Online Application
1. Please go to the bottom of the screen to YourCDA Login and Create a new account.
2. Complete the online application, you will need an email address and your Director's email address.
3. Go to the PD Specialist Directory at to select a person near you. Please contact more than one specialist for a date.
5. After the Council of Professional Recognition has processed your application,
6. You will receive an email to schedule your Verification visit/observation and schedule your CDA exam.
7. The Council for Professional Recognition will contact you by email or letter, if you are awarded or denied the
CDA credential.
Step 2: MI T.E.A.C.H. CDA Assessment Scholarship
1. Go to, click T.E.A.C.H. and complete the online CDA Assessment Scholarship Application.
Toll Free (866) 648-3224 for more details.
Congrats! You deserve it!