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Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential Training Series
Sponsored By Early Childhood Professionals

  First Step:  CDA Online Application

 1. Please go to www.cdacouncil.org the bottom of the screen to       YourCDA Login and Create a new account.

  2. Complete the online application, you will need an email address and your Director's email address.

3. Go to the PD Specialist Directory at www.cdacouncil.org to select a person near you.  Please contact more than one specialist for a date.

5.  After the Council of Professional Recognition has processed your application, 

6. You will receive an email to schedule your Verification visit/observation and schedule your CDA exam.

7.  The Council for Professional Recognition will contact you by email or letter, if you are awarded or denied the 
CDA credential.

Step 2:  MI T.E.A.C.H. CDA Assessment Scholarship

1. Go to www.miaeyc.org, click T.E.A.C.H. and complete the online CDA Assessment Scholarship Application. 

Toll Free (866) 648-3224 for more details.

Congrats! You deserve it!

Mission for Classroom

A safe, healthy learning environment with physical, cognitive and communication that is creative for self, to be social with positive guidance, ensuring families with purposeful program management through professionalism.

Written by Carla Wasson 
  Reference to the Thirteen(13) CDA Functional Areas. 
  Essential Textbook, 2nd edition 12/2018